Train Chasing in Dunsmuir

I took last Friday and went to Dunsmuir, Calif. Former major hub for the Southern Pacific Railroad. It is now used by the Union Pacific Railroad. I arrived in time for a crew change…

I later chased this train, a high priority one called the “Z” to train buffs south a few miles and got a couple shots

On the way back from chasing the train, I stopped at the Railroad Park Resort. This place is amazing, there are old cabooses that look brand new, tastefully made into motel suites. There is a resturaunt in some old dinning cars, a gift shop and a very inviting crystal clear swimming pool. All with a magnificent view of the Castle Crags.

More pictures can be seen on my website

2 thoughts on “Train Chasing in Dunsmuir”

  1. Could you offer a suggestion to me? I have a guest apartment, completely remodeled in 2008 located on Cape Cod. My property abutts the antique Cape Cod Railroad and would make a great destination for train buffs. Where could I market this to capture this group?
    Thanks in advance!

  2. I’m not exactly sure. Try the Cape Cod travel site…(?) Thanks for the visit

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