Some Film to Digital shots

A while ago I blogged about my new hobby, collecting vintage cameras then cleaning and fixing them, then taking pictures with them and converting them to digital with a negative scanner. I mostly have been shooting “test rolls” where I test for:  light leaks, exposure meter accuracy, focus, clarity etc… Here are a few shots I’ve taken so far.

Minolta Hi-Matic 7s, Rokkor 45mm 1:1.8 lens, Fujicolor 200 ASA, Epson V100 scanner. From the Japanese garden, Ashland Oregon. Test of exposure
Yashica Electro 35 GS, Color Yashinon DX 45mm 1:1.7 lens, Fujicolor 200 ASA, Epson V100 scanner. Old tea pot planter in garden, you can see the grain of the fire wood and the individual  leaves on the Rosemary. Close-up focus test
Yashica Electro 35 GS, Color Yashinon DX 45mm 1:1.7 lens, Fujicolor 200 ASA, Epson V100 scanner “Pinks” in backyard. Close-up focus test
Petri 7s, Petri 45mm 1:1.8 lens, Fujicolor 200 ASA, Epson V100 scanner. Yreka Western RR, Yreka Calif.
Petri 7s, Petri 45mm 1:1.8 lens, Fujicolor 200 ASA, Epson V100 scanner. Union Pacific at Castella Calif.
Voigtlander Vitoret, Color Lanthar 50mm 1:2.8 lens, Fujichrome 100, Epson V100 scanner. Lithia Park upper duck pond, Ashland Oregon, simple scale focus and shoot camera, no meter, I whetted my finger and stuck it in the air.

The hardest thing is subject matter. Sure it’s just a test roll but some subjects can test many variables at once, plus I have many images of the same thing..LOL On the cameras that are older and have no metering system I use a separate light meter or use the “sunny 16” rule.

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