My Teriyaki sauce

We basically grill out year round. I’ve even figured a way to stay dry in a torrential downpour. Summer though it is almost a must what with the heat, we don’t like heating up the house with a stove and especially the oven running for an hour or so. Even left over pizza, we figured out during a kitchen re-model how to warm up pizza on the grill!

The mainstay is my teriyaki sauce I use on almost all meats once in a while. It is “semi-homemade” as I mix pre-bottled sauces to make it.

I use Kikkoman teriyaki and soy sauces as they are a Japanese brand.

  • 1 cup teriyaki
  • 3 tbl.  soy sauce
  • 3 tbl. sesame oil (non-toasted)
  • 2 tbl. honey
  • 2-3 cloves crushed-minced garlic
  • 1 tbl. toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tsp. ginger (optional)

I mix the honey in good with one of those ‘springy’ type gravy whisks, mix all good. May be injected as well.

I will be blogging grilled dinners and this is the teriyaki sauce I will be referring to with a link back.

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